
Our aim is to be the leading supplier of sustainable packaging solutions. We are a trusted and strategic partner to our customers, providing innovative packaging solutions for all their needs.

By focusing on our strategic aims we deliver attractive, sustainable returns to our shareholders and meet the needs of our stakeholders. We have set the following aims and our promises on how to reach them.

To delight our customers

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We do this by:

  • Delivering on our commitment for quality and service 
  • Driving innovation and value-added packaging solutions 
  • Improving service levels 
  • Driving circularity and continuing to deliver market-leading sustainable solutions


To realise the potential of our people 

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We do this by:

  • Ensuring the health, safety and wellbeing of all our employees 
  • Creating a working environment where they feel proud, engaged, and developed  
  • Focusing on embedding diversity and inclusion by expanding resource groups and local networks


To lead the way in sustainability 

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We do this by:

  • Designing out waste and pollution and keeping materials in use 
  • Decarbonising our operations and value chain 
  • Creating a safe, diverse and inclusive workplace and being active in our communities  
  • Protecting and regenerating nature 


To double our size and profitability 

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We do this by:

  • Being well positioned in developed markets 
  • Working with major FMCG brands 
  • Driving market share gains 
  • Investing behind fundamental growth drivers